los angeles

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com
Phone: 866.973.4463


Report on Nov 2 Los Angeles

Click here to see a slide show the of November 2 Convergences and the Westwood Rally and March.

An estimated 6,000 people throughout L.A. took action on November 2nd to Drive Out the Bush regime! This historic day was marked by rebellious students but also many older people who feel that they can’t take another day of this regime. At least 8 noon-time assembly points drew hundreds each. A car caravan/funeral procession for the Bush regime led by 4 donated hearses numbered about 600 people, and a 5 pm convergence at the Westwood Federal Building drew about 2000 – 2500 to a rally and spirited march.

Determined to drive out the Bush Regime, a couple thousand high school students walked out of over 30 schools throughout Los Angeles County and made their way to World Can't Wait convergence points all along Wilshire Boulevard. At major intersections running for 20 miles from the heart of downtown L.A. to the Pacific Ocean, their defiant spirit and bold chants (“F**k Bush!” was very popular) electrified the busy corners, and they inspired the older generation with their consciousness and determination. Many of the students risked suspensions, expulsions, and even arrest; some had to break out of locked-down campuses, braving school administrators, physical assaults, locked school gates, and police threats.

Hundreds of people gathered at each of the designated intersections along Wilshire: bicyclists from Critical Mass, city hall workers in suits, clergy and church members, professionals, office workers, and entire families with little children in tow. The Boulevard was jammed with cars and trucks, drivers leaning on their horns, “beepbeepbeepbeep!” People who’d never been to a demonstration before were agitating on bullhorns, wading into traffic to leaflet passing motorists, signing up new activists, selling t-shirts.

Teeming, bustling, jam-packed Wilshire and Alvarado—McArthur Park, one of the hearts of immigrant L.A.—was wild and beautiful! The whole park was covered in stickers and posters. Sparkling World-Can’t-Wait-green posters circled the park like a necklace, and Spanish banners were prominently displayed on the corner and in the park. The high school students were unstoppable. They stood on the corner, fiercely shouting chants into bullhorns. They literally couldn’t wait for the march to start, so one group of students marched to meet demonstrators who were heading toward McArthur from downtown while another group went on two marches around the park.

Walked-out students kept arriving from different schools. As they got to the corner, their schools were announced over a bullhorn, and they would be greeted by cheers: Montebello, Belmont, Downtown Business Magnet, Van Nuys, Reseda, Orthopedic Medical Magnet…and more and more. Inside the park, there were musical performances and speakers. Armando Navarro, professor and department chair from UC Riverside, was one of the speakers. Also speaking were people from New Orleans, proletarians from Watts and Pico-Union, students from some of the schools, and someone from the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade.

Then the march began, 600 strong, lively and determined. When marchers called out to onlookers to “Join Us,” they did. Falling in behind the marchers was a funeral procession—“the beginning of the end for the Bush regime”—led by 4 hearses! After about a mile of marching, one of the hearse drivers grabbed a bullhorn and delivered an impassioned indictment of the Bush regime for their crimes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. After doing chants for a short while at yet another major intersection, the marchers filled up two school buses and three city buses, and made their way to the Westwood Federal Building for the big rally.

At the 5 p.m. convergence at the Westwood Federal Building, the rally was emceed by Rev. Richard Byrd (KRST Unity Center) and Tony Vargas (World Can’t Wait student organizer). Thousands of people crowded the lawn in front of the stage, stirred by the words and performances of Bianca Jagger, Rickie Lee Jones, Bill Mitchell of Gold Star Families for Peace, Richard Montoya of Culture Clash, Code Pink, Joe Veale of the Revolutionary Communist Party, Critical Mass, and several Iraq War veterans. Actor/writer Calvin Levels gave a powerful reading of the Call. The rally was followed by a spirited march of 2000-2500 people through Westwood Village, where they received an enthusiastic response from onlookers.

The rally and march were covered by CNN, Indymedia, Telemundo, all the local television stations, plus the LA Times, La Opinion, Hoy, a number of community and student newspapers, and Galavision in Mexico!

One of the monitors leading the Westwood march said, “I had no idea when I woke up this morning that this is what I’d be doing right now.” She’d started off her day passing by the intersection of Wilshire and Alvarado on her way to work. She said she loved the energy coming from the students. She said that when she saw the high school students getting out there like this, she decided that she couldn’t pass them by and go to work. She took the day off, marched with the students, got on the bus with them to Westwood, and by the end of the day was leading the march with a bullhorn in hand, calling on passersby to “Join Us!”

http://www.truthout.org/multimedia.htm, For the very good video of the march from Wilshire/Alvarado to Normandie and the Rally/March at Westwood from TruthOut.org

To Read Reports submitted to us about the Day from the Different convergence points and news articles about the day Click Here

Check back for further updates to this page. Also checkout the national website www.worldcantwait.org for reports from around the country.

Los Angeles World Can't Wait

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com