los angeles

E-mail: worldcantwait_la@yahoo.com
Phone: 866.973.4463


Report from Wilshire/Alvarado

At Wilshire and Alvarado/ McArthur Park the scene was wild. World-Can’t-Wait-green was everywhere. The whole park was covered in stickers and posters. World Can’t Wait posters lined a block of Alvarado and a block of Wilshire and Spanish banners were prominently displayed on the corner and in the park. The highschool students were unstoppable. They stood on the corner fiercely shouting chants on bullhorns. They literally couldn’t wait for the march to start at 1:30pm, so one group of students marched down to hook up with people on Figueroa and Wilshire. Another group went on two marches around the park.

Westwood March Nov 2

Students kept arriving from different schools and as they would get to the corner they would be greeted by cheers and their schools were announced over a bullhorn. Montebello, Belmont, Downtown Business Magnet, Van Nuys, and others. Inside the park there were musical performances and speakers. Armando Navarro, professor and department chair from UC Riverside was one of the speakers. There were also people from New Orleans, proletarians from Watts and Pico-Union, high school students from several of the schools, and someone from the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade. The bands that performed were Los Animas, Flatbush, 7 Gatos Negros, and a solo performance by Brandon from Kill Radio.

Once the march started, it was lively and determined. People joined with us in the park and along the march. As we passed Vermont, we picked up a lot of people who had been protesting there since noon - including a contingent from Los Angeles City College, which had done their own march from the school. About 600 people marched to Normandie. Following the march was a funeral procession for the Bush regime - led by 4 hearses!!! Once we got to Normandie, someone in one of the hearses grabbed a bullhorn and gave an impassioned indictment of the Bush regime for their crimes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. After doing chants for a short while on the corner of Normandie and Wilshire, we filled up 2 school buses and 3 city buses and made our way to Wilshire and Westwood for the 5pm rally.

One of the leading monitors for the 6:30pm Westwood march said, “I had no idea when I woke up this morning that this is what I’d be doing right now.” She started off her day passing by the intersection of Alvarado and Wilshire on her way to work. She said she loved the energy coming from the students. She said she saw these high school students getting out there like this and decided that if that’s what they were doing, she couldn’t pass them by and go to work. She took the day off, marched with the students to Normandie, got on the bus to Westwood, and by the end of the day, was leading the Westwood march with a bullhorn in hand - calling on other passersby to JOIN US!